Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Step by Step Guide to Search a China Company Registration details

Step by Step Guide to Search a China Company Registration details

I got many complains from friends that there are to may scams with Chinese companies. I feel bad in every time I hear the words. Here I will advise you all a step step by step guide to search a China company registration details. You can use the method to find out whether the company is real and when it was found and how much is their register capitals and even the boss/shareholders. So you learn the basic information of the company and can consider whether to start a business with them.
I should clarify that the system is not include all the Chinese company, due that are millions of companies in China the our government needs some more time to build it better. And some companies have HK company to have business convenience which they could not have in the mainland. Here is another post about how to search a HK companies basic information.
China Company Registration Checking System
Here we go for the step by step guids:
Step 1
To search a China Company Registration, you should firstly go to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) website http://gsxt.saic.gov.cn/. The database is only available in Chinese language.
On the right side of the screen all AIC regional databases are listed.
Below is a translations of the province picture, and you can click the right province which your company located.
Chinese Province name in English and Chinese
And here is more province/cities translations and the searching links:
List of China’s AICs
National (国家工商总局): http://www.saic.gov.cn
Anhui (安徽红盾信息网): http://www.ahaic.gov.cn/
Beijing (北京红盾信息网): http://www.hd315.gov.cn
Chengdu (成都工商管理信息网): http://www.cdgs.gov.cn/
Chongqing (重庆红盾信息网): http://www.cqgs12315.cn
Dalian (大连工商网): http://www.dlgs.gov.cn/
Fujian (福建工商红盾网): http://www.fjaic.gov.cn/
Gansu (甘肃红盾信息网): http://www.gsaic.gov.cn/
Guangdong (广东红盾信息网): http://www.gdgs.gov.cn/
Guangzhou (广州市工商局): http://www.gzaic.gov.cn/
Guizhou (贵州红盾信息网): http://www.gzaic.org.cn/
Hainan (海南红盾信息网): http://aic.hainan.gov.cn/
Hebei (河北红盾信息网): http://www.hebgs.gov.cn/
Heilongjiang (黑龙江红盾信息网): http://www.hljaic.gov.cn/
Henan (河南红盾信息网): http://www.haaic.gov.cn/
Hubei (湖北红盾信息网): http://www.egs.gov.cn/
Hunan (湖南红盾信息网): http://www.hnaic.net.cn/
Inner Mongolia (内蒙古红盾信息网): http://www.nmgs.gov.cn/
Jiangxi (江西红盾信息网): http://www.jxaic.gov.cn/
Jiangxi (广西红盾信息网): http://www.gxhd.com.cn/
Jilin (吉林红盾信息网): http://www.jlgs.gov.cn/
Kunming (昆明红盾信息网): http://www.kmaic.gov.cn/
Lanzhou (兰州市工商网): http://www.lzgs.gov.cn/
Liaoning (辽宁红盾信息网): http://www.lngs.gov.cn/
Ningbo (宁波市工商局): http://www.nbaic.gov.cn/
Qingdao (青岛红盾信息网): http://www.qdaic.gov.cn/
Qinghai (青海红盾信息网): http://www.qhaic.gov.cn/
Shaanxi (陕西工商红盾信息网): http://www.snaic.gov.cn/
Shandong (山东红盾信息网): http://www.sdaic.gov.cn/
Shanghai (上海红盾信息网): http://www.sgs.gov.cn
Shanxi (山西红盾信息网): http://www.sxaic.gov.cn/
Shenyang (沈阳市工商管理局): http://www.sygsj.gov.cn/
Shenzhen (深圳市红盾信息网): http://www.szaic.gov.cn/
Sichuan (四川红盾信息网): http://www.scaic.gov.cn/
Tianjin (天津红盾信息网): http://www.tjhd.net
Wuhan (武汉红盾信息网): http://www.whhd.gov.cn/
Xiamen (厦门红盾信息网): http://www.xm.fjaic.gov.cn/
Xinjiang (新疆红盾信息网): http://www.xjaic.gov.cn/
Yunnan (云南红盾信息网): http://www.ynaic.gov.cn/
Zhejiang (浙江省工商政务网): http://www.zjaic.gov.cn/
Zhengzhou (郑州工商网): http://www.zzgs.gov.cn/
Step 2 
Click on the province/municipality where the company is located.
In the following example, the search is of the 广东 (Guangdong) AIC database.
State Administration of Industry and Commerce(SAIC) Guangdong Province
Step 3
Fill in the company name you want the official registered basic information of in Chinese characters. When you have filled in this information, please press 搜索 (Means Search). In the example below I will use the Powejet: 佛山市宝捷精密机械有限公司
Step 4
Enter the security code in the pop-up window and press 搜索. To refresh the security code press 换一张. Depending on which AIC you selected, the security code will either be asked in English or in Chinese. (Sometimes it will shows Chinese phrase and sometime the maths written in Chinese. Feel free to contact me if you need any help on this)
Enter the security code in the pop-up window on State Administration of Industry and Commerce(SAIC) Guangdong Province
Step 5
Click on the link which anchor text is with the company name.
Select the correct company you want the official registered basic information of if there are more than one company(Sometimes they have many branch in different city). In the example, the selected company is 佛山市宝捷精密机械有限公司
officially registered information of powerjet
Step 6
The screen will show the basic information of the company as officially registered with the AIC automatically. In the example below we can see the official information of 佛山市宝捷精密机械有限公司.
officially registered details of powerjet
Specification of Items on the Certification

The official registered basic information generally contains the following information:

统一社会信用代码: Registration number. This is the official registration number of the company
名称: Official company name. This is the registered name of the company according to the official records which may be quite long and different from the company name used on an everyday basis. However, this is the name that must appear on contracts.
类型: Type of enterprise. This is the form in which the company is incorporated for example a
limited liability company or a wholly foreign owned enterprise.
法定代表人: Legal representative. According to Chinese law this is the only person who is entitled to sign legally binding documents for the company and is responsible for any action of the company. In other words, if you want to sign agreements with the Chinese company, make sure the person who signs the contract is the legal representative.
住所:Registered address. This could be useful if you are investigating a suspected counterfeiter and are considering a raid action (see Useful links for more information)
注册资本: Registered capital. This is the declared investment in the company. There is a minimum that has to be paid depending on the scope of business according to the local AIC under which the business falls. The registered capital has to be paid within a certain time limit. By looking at the amount it might be possible to estimate whether or not the Chinese company is a small or a big company.
成立日期: Registered date. This is the date the business license was issued.
经营期限自: Operating period.
经营期限至: License expiry date. This is the date the business license will expire. The business license can be extended upon approval from the AIC.
经营范围: Business scope. Under Chinese law a company is only allowed to operate within the scope of its business as registered with the AIC. By checking what the company does and what it is allowed to do under the business license, you can find out if the company operates in accordance with Chinese law. Also, you can check if the company can actually do what it claimed it can do. For example if it has stated it can manufacture for you, but according to the business scope it offers consultancy services, you know it will not manufacture for you itself as it cannot do this according to Chinese law.
登记机关: Registration bureau. This is the AIC under which the company is registered. The AIC mentioned here is the AIC that has all the official registration records of the company in hardcopy. This is useful if you were to enforce your intellectual property rights through the administrative route (see Useful links for more information).
核准日期: Check and approval date.
登记状态: Registration status. This indicates the current registration status of the company.
股东信息: shareholders` information
OK, here you can find the basic information of a Chinese Company Registration.
If you need any helps, please feel free to leave me a comment or send me mails.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Injection Blow Molding Machine - IBM Series

 Injection Blow Molding Machine

Injection Blow Molding Machine - IBM Series

  • Combined with injeciton and blow function in one machine.
  • Driven by servo moter with close-rope hydraulic system.
  • High repeatability precision.
  • High speed and efficient, energy saving and stable, easy for operation and maintanance.
  • Hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical controller is adjustable.
  • Suitable for most thermoplastic plastic like PE, PP, PS, PC etc.
  • Best solution for bottles used in medical and food packing industry, and high appearance industry like LED lights diffuser, cosmetic bottles etc.

International Size1600-6042000-9352880-1341
Clamping forceKN160020002880
Opening strokemm440490550
Platen sizemm705×705775×755850×850
Bars distancemm460×460510×510610×610
Max.mold heightmm500550610
Min.mold heightmm160230280
Ejector strokemm140140145
Ejector forceKN496577
Screw diametermm42/4646/5252/60
Screw L/D ratio/20/2023/19.921/21
Injection pressureMpa213/177230/180226/169
Shot volumecm3284/340407/520594/791
Shot weight (PS)g253/302362/462529/704
Injection rateg/s105/126119/153194/259
Screw strokemm205245280
Screw speedr.p.m.210170170
Hydraulic pressureMpa17.517.517.5
Pump motor powerKW1518.522
Heater powerKW9.811.513.8
Oil CapacityL260340420
Machine weightTon4.55.88.2
Machine dimensionm4.8×1.3×1.85.3×1.4×2.161.×1.5×2.2
* Due upgrading of machines, the technical parameters may be updated.

International Size200-934
Clamping forceKN2000
Opening strokemm490
Platen sizemm775×755
Bars distancemm510×510
Max.mold heightmm700
Min.mold heightmm550
Ejector strokemm140
Ejector forceKN65
Max. rotary center distancemm605
Min. rotary center distancemm300
Screw diametermm46
Screw L/D ratio/18
Injection pressureMpa170
Shot volumecm3407
Shot weight (PS)g362
Screw strokemm245
Injection rateg/s116
Screw speedr.p.m.170
Hydraulic pressureMpa17.5
Pump motor powerKW22
Heater powerKW11.5
Oil CapacityL420
Machine weightTon6.3
Machine dimensionm6.5×1.4×2.1
* Due upgrading of machines, the technical parameters may be updated.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

High Speed Injection Molding Machine

K series High Speed Injection Molding Machine

  • Large-flow hydraulic system with cartridge valves.
  • Imported top grade hydraulic components.
  • High-precision oil filter and full-flow by-pass oil filter.
  • Screw is driven by low speed & big-torque hydraulic motor.

  • Perfect combination between computer and high efficient proportional plunger variable pump saves electricity by 25%-50%. The economic efficiency is high.

  • With full flow high precision return oil filter, the oil filter effect is up to NAS –7 levels, can effectively avoid contamination and deterioration of hydraulic oil, thereby hydraulic parts work more stable and service life of hydraulic seals is longer.

  • Imported advanced hydraulic valve incorporated with differential oil circuit guarantees mould locking device to be fast, stable and low noise, and reduces forming period, increase production efficiency.

  • Cartridge valve added in the hydraulic system insures the fast response & small impact, which reduces the consumption of the pressure.

  • Spiral flow cooler is high in heat transfer efficiency and less pressure loss. It guarantees stable operation of hydraulic system, improves repetition accuracy and qualification rate of products.

  • Low speed and large torque hydraulic motor meets plasticizing demand of different raw material.

For more details, please feel free to visit POWERJET`s official website.